Couples may not be on equal financial footing when divorce divides the family into two separate households. A spouse is commonly dependent on the other, which makes for an unequal situation. Alimony or spousal support balances the scales to ensure that both parties...
Exceptional Marital And Family Law Advocacy
Month: June 2023
How do I tell my spouse that I want a divorce?
Everyone always says a marriage takes work. Unfortunately, no matter how much effort you put into your marriage, it might not be healthy for either of you to stay married to each other. Constant arguments and feelings of resentment can negatively impact an individual...
How will trust assets be impacted by a divorce?
Assets in a Florida divorce that were acquired during the marriage are typically split evenly between the couple, or in a way that makes sense for the individual’s circumstances. Dividing trust assets can be more complicated. Are there rules for trust assets in...
Estate plans may need updating after a divorce
In a Florida divorce, people will automatically think about child custody, child support, spousal support and property division. It is easy to forget other areas that also need to be addressed. Specifically, that refers to estate plans drawn up during the marriage....